
Folded Cascode Amplifier (FCA)


Available via circus constructor with circus:fca-<pdk>-<space>-<variant>.

Observation Space

By default, the observation space is set to 'perf' via the obs_filter kwarg. If it is set to 'all' the shape will be (225,) instead. Otherwise it will be the length of the given list. Same goes for the goal space.

# v0
gym.spaces.Dict({ 'observation':   Box( -np.Inf, np.Inf, (29,))
                , 'achieved_goal': Box( -np.Inf, np.Inf, (23,))
                , 'desired_goal':  Box( -np.Inf, np.Inf, (23,))
                , })

# v1
gym.spaces.Box( low   = -np.inf
              , high  = np.inf
              , shape = (29,)
              , dtype = np.float32
              , )

Action Space

Variant Shape Parameters
elec (14, ) ['MNCM11:gmoverid', 'MPCM221:gmoverid', 'MNCM31:gmoverid', 'MND11:gmoverid', 'MNCM11:fug', 'MPCM221:fug', 'MNCM31:fug', 'MND11:fug', 'MNCM12:id', 'MNCM32:id']
geom (22, ) ['Wd', 'Mcm12', 'Md', 'Lcm2', 'Ld', 'Wcm2', 'Lcm3', 'Wcm1', 'Wcm3', 'Mcm11', 'Mcm22', 'Mcm21', 'Mcm32', 'Mcm31', 'Lcm1']

The parameter identifiers can be obtained through the input_parameters field of the environment.

# elec
gym.spaces.Box( low   = -1.0
              , high  = 1.0
              , shape = (14,)
              , dtype = np.float32
              , )

# geom
gym.spaces.Box( low   = -1.0
              , high  = 1.0
              , shape = (22,)
              , dtype = np.float32
              , )